Felipe Fontecilla Gutierrez

Initiative for Peace
Every year students from the United World College of South East Asia prepare themselves on a course that give them the skills required to run a conference that gives people the hope of a peaceful community.
As far as I concerned IFP is the most complete activity occurring in UWCSEA as it seeks to give both facilitators and participants a life changing experiences in which through the interaction of both they are able to discover a number of things on their experiences and the exploration of topics that belong to the core of the human interrelationships they can shape together a community of love and understanding.

Project Week
Since I was a kid I dreamt to go to Nepal one day. A place where the culture is leaving high in the mountains, where the air takes your breath away and the beauty of the Himalayas shines in your eyes. I never thought that my first trip to Nepal would be so fullfilling.
Education as a force to unite people for a sustainable future has never made more sense. Project Week brought me to Pokhara, Nepal, a place where it feels like economicall development has not grown roots yet on peoples lives and everybody keeps their smile though their precarious situations.
We went there to teach english but what we gave cannot be compare with what we received. The open arms of the Nepalese people embraced us in a warm welcome where they wanted to show us who they were. And we experienced it.

Peace Day Conference
After my Experience in IB World Student Conference and Initiative for Peace, influenced by one of the speakers (Jeremy Gilley) who coincided to be the founder of Peace One Day I decided to shape my own conference with what I thought was the best in order to explore the issues that peace has to suffer in Singapore to be achieved.
So I managed with a group of other 3 organizers to shape a conference that explore the former issues trough the arts. And we managed to gather over a hundred students from all over the country to improve their vissions about "peace" in the country where they live.

THIMUN The Hague
To participate in the Hague Model United Nations must be one of the biggest opportunities I have had in UWCSEA. It took me to one of the countries I have always dreamt to go, and where I actually would like to work for some times. And in fact, it brought me to the place where I want to work, the United Nations Organizations.
How interesting is to share your views with students from all over the world. I acknowledge I do that everyday, but the difference is that here, it was in formal setting, which also helped improved my algnuage as by that time my english was still very little. On of the most rewarding expereriences I have ever had.

International Week
This year I took participation in the organization committee of a series of events that take place in the Boarding Community of UWCSEA, International Week.
On this weeks a diverse variety of activities are organized with the aim of sharing the cultural events of a group of countries.

Credits to George Lui

Credits to George Lui

Credits to George Lui
Extra Curriculars
Extra curricular activities in UWCSEA are a blessing. The facilities, the teachers and the amount of performances that are carried on every year are innumerable. And all of them with the best quality they can due to the given time.
I have to admit I am a pretty fan of stages, and I have been involved in as many performances as I could, including a big range of music and theatre performances. The Pity of War, the Short Form, Chamber Concerts, Opus, Future Imperfect, and some other concerts that have been going around.

IBWSC, U of Warwick
On summer of 2013, I had the privilege to attend to one of the most amazing conferences I have ever been. The IBO managed to gather over 200 students with the biggest motivation to make a difference on this world and not only that, but also to make it through the arts.
Here I met people from all kinds who related their lives to what I want to do in the future. It was one of the most intense weeks I have ever had and I discovered an incredible number of things along with people who change my life.

UN Night
An instance to share the cultures. On 2012 I was involved in four performances. On 2013 the same number. Chile, Pakistan, Mexico, Indonesia, Andean Plateau, Uruguay, Brazil. UN Night encouraged me to start a dancing carreer that throughout my UWC experience builds up with many different activities in which the sweat and tiredness that dancing is worth, get its values with the applauses of the people, yes I admit it, I am an stage addict.

Credits to: Marina Zilliacus

Credits to: Marina Zilliacus

Credits to: Marina Zilliacus

Credits to: Marina Zilliacus
Since I came to Singapore I have had the honor of organizing a couple of events that are outside of school.
As well as performing, I have had to gather performances to put on a show to charm our audience with all the magnificent talents that are at UWCSEA.

Khelgar is a part of the Akshara programme that looks to engage students of primary school with their education. Akshara teaches English, Math and Sciences and its aim it's to ensure students engages in learning and to explore education with a different perspective than the traditional Indian system.

Khelgar is a part of the Akshara programme that looks to engage students of primary school with their education. Akshara teaches English, Math and Sciences and its aim it's to ensure students engages in learning and to explore education with a different perspective than the traditional Indian system.

Khelgar is a part of the Akshara programme that looks to engage students of primary school with their education. Akshara teaches English, Math and Sciences and its aim it's to ensure students engages in learning and to explore education with a different perspective than the traditional Indian system.

Khelgar is a part of the Akshara programme that looks to engage students of primary school with their education. Akshara teaches English, Math and Sciences and its aim it's to ensure students engages in learning and to explore education with a different perspective than the traditional Indian system.
Gap Year India, Akshara
Here are some of the pictures of the work I am doing in India. Working in the Akshara Foundation and in UWC Mahindra College.
This has been by far one of the most enriching experiences I have had so far because of the diversity of its nature and because the freedom I have here to follow my passions.

Project Week, Himalayas
On November of 2014, I had the chance to lead along with three other teachers, a group of 16 highschool students in a 4 days trek through the Indian side of the Himalayas.
As this is the kind of experiences that words cannot describe, this pictures attempt to reflect the magic of the experience.